
Howdy folks! It’s your Friendly Neighborhood Roger here with some news. I am no longer writing music reviews/journal entries about shows into my notebooks by hand. Due to time constraints and laziness, I will be writing all of these articles/reviews and entries on the comp. It is the end of an era but the beginning of a new age.

And now, here is what I have to say about Tuesday’s show @ The Pyramid. THE SUPERSUCKERS absolutely killed it! When you are the self proclaimed “GREATEST ROCK & ROLL BAND IN THE WORLD”, you have to bring it and give it everything you’ve got and that’s precisely what they did! I cannot believe that it took me so long to catch THE SUPERSUCKERS in a live setting but I am so glad that I finally did. They tore the asshole out of the venue with no mercy whatsoever. They were there to rock and they rocked hard. These guys have stayed true to the genre of Rock & Roll. They are the sheer embodiment of it. I cannot think of another band who personifies hard rock like THE SUPERSUCKERS do. If you are currently reading this and you have never heard of this band, then drop what you’re doing and give them a listen. Their records are party soundtracks but it is their live show which really takes the cake. They are so tight as a band, tighter than a dolphin’s ass. Water tight. GO SEE THEM WHEN THEY COME TO TOWN!!!! DO IT!!!

I will be posting some previous reviews I’ve done of other stellar bands as soon as I possibly can. They’re great reviews and I hope you’ll enjoy them and support the bands I know and love.

Thank you for your time and support! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

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